El Thorvaldo Moderator


Sibling Scribbler - 12 March 2011
Sibling Scribbler - 12 March 2011 by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 38th submission to DYOS XI. [link]

If you're aiming to thwart your opponent through time travel, beware unintended consequences.

Early last year, @GenMarshall introduced a subplot where one of the villains went back to 2003 to invoke a butterfly effect that resulted in CivGeneral not joining the army, and subsequently, CurtSibling's effective conquest of the world. I thought it would be a devilishly poetic irony to have Albert Wesker, the lead antagonist at the time who green-lighted the stunt, end up dead in the resulting alternate timeline. The means by which this happened are chronicled in the Sibling Scribbler, the official paper of the empire, and thus, much of the globe.

Neutronium is one of those science-y sounding but mostly theoretical terms that sci-fi writers can play with as they see fit. In this case, a neutronium round is designed to destabilize the molecular structure of organic compounds by blasting them with free neutrons; for the purposes of the execution, this overpowers Wesker's legendary regenerative properties.

Setting the execution in St. Peter's Square was a deliberate choice. Curt has a reputation, deserved or otherwise, for being a militant antitheist, and turning the front yard of the Catholic Church into a chopping block would be a desecration totally becoming of his character. Thorvald delivers the killing shot mainly to affirm his standing as one of the triumvirs of the New World Order (and frankly, during this time I as a character had done little of importance in either story).

As later comics illustrated, @GenMarshall was rather upset I stole 'his' kill. =P

CurtSibling © himself.
Thorvald © me.
Bob the Angry Flower © Stephen Notley.
Albert Wesker © Capcom.

A higher-detail version of the inset illustration can be viewed here.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt January 2012.]

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