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Shared Feelings - Started by: BatmanWilliams
Shared Feelings
Posted: 03 Jul 2024, 02:54 PM

There was a thread back on DA that a number of people I've spoken to have said is their favorite DA thread, and after a third of a decade of it being gone, it's time for it to officially come back.

How does this game work? It's no different in its idea from before. Each response to this thread will describe a feeling/emotion/sensation/urge/etc. in their spoken terms, but before that, in the same response, said response will indicate if the three responses before it are relatable to them or not, using a +1 to indicate relatability and a -1 to indicate unrelatability, in the order of the responses (so you don't have to spell out "I relate/unrelate to that response" for every response you're referring to). So you might have a +1 -1 +1 (for the third, second, and then immediate responses before your response) and then below that the next spoken feeling/emotion/sensation/urge/etc. which implies this game is meant to pick up steam after the fourth response (though the first three can give one or two +1's or -1's if it wants).

First person begins when they're ready.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 03 Jul 2024, 10:31 PM

Feeling like a minor mistake in something you made from long ago is glaring you in the eye out of sensitivity of immersion.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 08 Jul 2024, 10:35 PM


A feeling of nostalgia for things that you've never experienced before.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 30 Aug 2024, 07:49 PM

+1 +1

Feeling more socially anxious around nicer people out of fear that the natural you impedes the social atmosphere.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 03 Sep 2024, 03:46 PM

+1 -1 -1

Frustration towards compliments that make reference to your growth or character development because it feels like they're claiming victory over having tried to alter you according to their vision of how you should be at the expense of the true you.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 04 Sep 2024, 04:21 PM

+1 +1 -1

A feeling of permanent alienation caused by seeing someone you once knew grown up.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 09 Sep 2024, 08:47 PM

-1 +1 -1

Feeling like your outlook of something changes depending on what language you contemplate it in.

(also side note, growing up is not a linear process for everyone)

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 11 Sep 2024, 06:42 PM

-1 +1 +1

An urge inside of you to specifically say something awkwardly regrettable, as if there's an instinctively repressed part of you that doesn't align with a filter that wants to fight it.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 12 Sep 2024, 10:05 PM

-1 -1 -1

Feeling like there are certain memories of yours that you have a hunch may have been of dreams or false memories of events that you can't figure out which one it is, be them real or not.

(unrelated but I heard the above thing about awkwardness can be remedied by a good protocol)

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 17 Sep 2024, 10:58 AM

+1 +1 +1

A certain warm anticipative feeling of embrace just upon realizing that you relate to people who by anyone else would be alienated.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 23 Sep 2024, 08:33 PM

-1 -1 -1

Feeling things in your dreams you would never feel in the physical world (e.g. someone who never cries in the physical world feeling like sobbing in their dreams)

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 26 Sep 2024, 07:07 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 27 Sep 2024, 02:42 AM.

Watching Over the Garden Wall and feeling like I just went to the Promised Land (it's basically heaven where it's autumn forever).

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 27 Sep 2024, 04:28 PM

Autumn is a time where I'm blessed with blazing sugar maple leaves and golden big leaf maple leaves.?

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 27 Sep 2024, 05:05 PM

+1 +1 +1

Feeling like laughing because a funny thought you thought of came to mind without anything around you to directly inspire it.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 27 Sep 2024, 06:56 PM

Who were you responding to? Just curious.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 28 Sep 2024, 03:12 AM

+1 +1 -1

Feeling like you dislike something enough that you feel physically sick.


Who were you responding to? Just curious.

The goal of the game I guess is each person mentions an experience and then use +1 or -1 to determine which of the three previous ones are relatable.

The first 1 is for the entry three entries before yours. The second 1 is for the entry two entries before yours. The third 1 is for the entry right before yours.

For example, I just said +1 +1 -1, which would mean I relate to your description of Autumn (the first 1), then relate to what I said (the second 1), and then didn't relate to what you said about being curious (the third 1).

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 30 Sep 2024, 06:00 PM

Sorry, I'm not good at this game.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 01 Oct 2024, 01:30 AM

-1 -1 +1

Feeling like you don't know yourself when viewing your past self.


Sorry, I'm not good at this game.

That's alright, we all have things like that. Yours are pretty neat on their own.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 04 Oct 2024, 07:14 PM

-1 -1 +1

Feeling like you have (or just having) a train of thought that will subconsciously go out of its way to wander into thoughts bearing a mood that is the exact opposite of the mood around you (e.g. you're at a park which is supposed to be fun, and your mind wanders because that's what minds do when alone, and you start daydreaming of sad scenarios that will never happen because your mind likes daydreaming of random scenarios, but with the mood always being inconvenient)


+1 -1 -1

Frustration towards compliments that make reference to your growth or character development because it feels like they're claiming victory over having tried to alter you according to their vision of how you should be at the expense of the true you.

Enormously feeling this one right now. I would rather people be ashamed of me if it means I got an intended message across than people be proud of me based on them metaphorically sticking a "flag of maturity" into me in response to me going against my BETTER judgment and listening to them. This happened last week when a local librarian for years had been blaming lost books on me that my brother had in his possession and lost, and me being about to move and having seventeen spare dollars to spend, I gave them out of generosity, and they responded both by doing the whole "oh look how you've matured" on the spot and giving me a "growth award" at the semester award ceremony in front of our community of a thousand (Tina here went to school with me so she knows how that is). Every clap felt like a jab at my ideological sovereignty and a pat on their back, and if I ever betray anyone, this kind of thing is why.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 05 Oct 2024, 08:27 AM

+1 +1 -1

Feeling like you associate a colour with a taste enough that you can taste that taste just by looking at that colour you associate the taste with.


Feeling like you have (or just having) a train of thought that will subconsciously go out of its way to wander into thoughts bearing a mood that is the exact opposite of the mood around you.

Actually sounds like how some people describe the anhedonia experience (that does not include me and my own anhedonia experience).

If it makes you feel better, I can also relate to the shame thing in the opposite way (sort of).

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 07 Oct 2024, 08:17 PM

+1 -1 -1

Feeling like you've killed enjoyment of a song because you've listened to it too many times.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 08 Oct 2024, 06:03 PM

Wirt likes nacho cheese sauce. Blazing maple trees is my paradise. The lantern smells like fertilizer. That's all I could say.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 09 Oct 2024, 03:56 AM

+1 +1 -1

Do you ever just have one of those moments where you realise that you're not really anybody's favorite person, you're kinda just there?


Wirt likes nacho cheese sauce. Blazing maple trees is my paradise. The lantern smells like fertilizer. That's all I could say.

That's alright. These would work in the game too. Like, someone could put a +1 if they can relate to liking Nacho Cheese sauce, maple trees being their happy place, or a lantern smelling like fertilizer (although they're not ones I relate to, but that's a part of the game), hence the -1 for them..

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 10 Oct 2024, 02:59 PM

I only like Aladdin because of the flying carpet and fancy magic lamp thing to be honest. 

I have a flying olive garden carpet.

I wish it's 2001 and I made a olive garden commercial that involves a flying carpet.

RE: Shared Feelings
Posted: 23 Dec 2024, 09:57 AM

-1 -1 -1

Feeling an unexplained urge to repeat the last few words of something someone tells you

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