El Thorvaldo Moderator

United Scandinavian Empire flag
United Scandinavian Empire flag by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

The United Scandinavian Empire was Ailedhoo's country in Iron and Blood 4. Premised on a more aggressive settlement of Russia and the Vinland colonies, it was formally established by the union of the crowns of Norway, Sweden and Denmark in an earlier and more successful version of the Kalmar Union, proceeding to conquer Finland and the Baltics and annex exclaves in Normandy and Sicily into the seventeenth century. By the game's start in 1930, it controlled most north and eastern Europe, Britain, and Canada, and was under a personal union with Tyo's German Empire.

Originally uploaded to the now-defunct IOT Wiki in 2019, replacing Ailed's original raster and normalizing proportions. Valknut by AnonMoos; had I a better grasp of calculating offsets, it appear more centred within the circle.

Originally submitted to DeviantArt September 2022; alternative download available via Patreon.

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