El Thorvaldo Moderator

Do(ny)-it-Yourself by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 11th submission to DYOS VIII.

Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf was Saddam Hussein's ill-fated information minister during the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, who became a meme for denying American forces were present in Baghdad even as a firefight could be heard in the background. As DYOS began that same year, "Baghdad Bob" and many other figures in the "Coalition of the Willing" were canonized as fodder throughout the series; al-Sahhaf has outlasted all of them, emerging as a supporting character in DYOS 11 whose state of denial could now warp reality.

Title courtesy of taillesskangaru, who uploaded this image to al-Sahhaf's wiki page with the caption: "Why DIY when you can DIY?" This mad-libs template was actually used in-comic, and inspired a knock-off with another running-gag character who unfortunately I don't currently recall.

...Yeah, remember when fake news was funny? :worry:

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt Dcember 2022.]

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