The Peddler by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)
The Peddler: an Eym man from Lykon. Perhaps the most dangerous kind of man of that tribe... For he cannot decide whether he is reckless and chaotic, nor cautious and lawful.So he is a mad amalgamation of both. He yields more to cautious and lawful, but refuses to lead a completely risk free or law abiding life. Though not a cruel or aggressively violent man; he will fight long and furiously to hold onto what is his, though it's not above him to step in and help those in need. He is a savvy merchant and a good talker, he knows much of appraisal and knows the worth of things and how to get the most for them.
Much of his merchandise is cheap, sometimes necessary and sometimes scarce. He sells mostly what comes into his possession legally and at a bargain, but if it's cost effective... He'll also peddle stolen merchandise, provided he doesn't have to do the thieving. He will even sometimes risk the odd sale of contraband; though he makes sure to move this stock on quick... Though fewer and fewer things are contraband in the Kingdom of Lykon these days... So he breathes easier, even if what was once illegal now sells for less.
He travels around, makes friends with the guards and soldiers where ever he goes; the local law and the military in Lykon are great for business, easy to bribe and can provide him with protection if he needs it.
A combination of the grey marker running out and this post rain humidity fucked up the paper.
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