October 9th, 2024
The Tooniverse
The scene cuts to Mary Sue’s apartment and we see the woman taking a break from working on her Trauma Jester copy, she’s browsing Birdie and she sees that her game is trending more than usual. Mary finds a video that’s addressed to her and we see that the video is of Rage and his team explaining what they did to Lydia and Lia, Mary then gets horrified by what the Trauma Jester fans have done and she quickly leaves her apartment so she can check on her two family members. Mary makes it to Lia’s house and she sees some paramedics carrying her sister to an ambulance, Mary then learns from one of the paramedics that a note has been found next to her sister’s body and she sees that the note says “MARY’S FAULT”. The Trauma Jester fans see that their actions are being reported on the news and we learn that Lydia’s Pikachu has been wrapped in duct tape and shoved into an empty fridge, Mary then drives to Lydia’s house and as she goes into her house Mary sees that her aunt has been reduced to a sobbing mess after her Pokémon’s kidnapping. As Mary starts blaming herself for everything that’s happened Terry learns about the crimes that his fans have committed, Terry then starts getting angry as he processes the fact that his horrible fandom still exists.
Cassie and Rupert have watched the news reports about the Trauma Jester fandom and Cassie (who has developed super-strength) decides to track down Mandy’s house so she can rescue Pikachu, meanwhile Rupert (who has developed pyrokinesis) simply decides to visit Mary to see how she’s doing, as Rupert tracks down Mary’s apartment we see Cassie putting on a green poncho as a makeshift costume. Rupert finds Mary’s apartment and he sees that the building’s door is already open, as Rupert looks for Mary he sees the words “I’m sorry” scrawled all over the woman’s walls. Rupert starts assuming the worst and he decides to look for Mary in the kitchen, Rupert goes into the kitchen and much to his horror he sees that Mary has committed suicide by cutting her throat. Mary’s suicide gets reported on the news and Terry lets out a scream of fury that can be heard from a distance, back at Mandy’s house we see Rage and his team celebrating Mary’s suicide. As the evil team celebrates Chase hears a knock on the door, Chase then answers the door and he tells his team that their gear from the black market has arrived.
A Horrible Fandom by @RaptorPupil
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