
Pastel Blutbolt Attack
Pastel Blutbolt Attack by @bawdabaw

This is Pastel, the youngest member of the crew(87) and he's a pixie Unseelie. Some pixies have specialty powers passed on through hereditary. Pastel's is hemomancy. He can control blood.

One of his special attacks is called Blutbolt, where he gets a bit of blood into his mouth and then spits it like a dart. The effects of his magic on it turn the bit of blood into a hard shard or sharp "dart" that sticks into his enemies. Oftentimes, a quick way for him to get blood for this attack is to bite himself, usually on the thumb(ala Naruto). Here I probably made the blood spill a bit gratuitous but I envisioned for this scene that he and the crew are fighting against a lot of enemies. So, he's opening a wound big enough to get enough blood to deal with everyone during the fight and to protect his brothers.

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