El Thorvaldo Moderator

He's watchin'
I know he's watchin'
He's watchin' me

I make my average post
In an average thread
No new replies for days
So I presume it's dead
A week goes by; I check my front page
What do I find?
A fresh tirade by CG
Quoting that post of mine!

I always feel like
CG is watching me
And I have no privacy
I always feel like
CG is watching me
On dA and CFC


I'm playing IOT
While in a cheeky mood
I make a passing joke
—Maybe a little crude—
He’s AWOL for three months
—I think I'm clear—
Log in next day
And guess who reappears?


When I’m with the girlfriend
I’m afraid to speak my mind
‘Cuz I know if I talk DYOS
I’ll look up to find
CG! Paranoid they call me
But what can I say?
Gmod faces remind me
I’ll have hell to pay


I always feel like
CG is watching me
In the journals of JoanKey
I always feel like
CG is watching me
Oh no wait, it’s just TB


(He’s watchin’)
He’s watchin’ me
(I know he’s watchin’)
(He’s watchin’ me)
Tell ya, he’s watchin’ me

Oh, oh, a-oh
(He’s watchin’)
Ah-oh-oh, ah-oh
(I know he’s watchin’)
Ah, oh, a-oh
(He’s watchin’)
Ah, oh, ah, oh-ah-oh
(Tell ya, he’s watchin’ me)

I don’t know anymore
All of the spots he’s watching me
Ah-oh-ah, oh, oh
Is he watching me through TV?
And I don’t feel safe anymore
What a mess!
I wonder how he's watching now?
From the ISS?

I always feel like
CG is watching me
And I have no privacy
I always feel like
CG is watching me
All through the air, land and sea

(He’s watchin’ me)

I always feel like
CG is watching me
Maybe with robotic bees
I always feel like
CG is watching me
Prob’ly hacked my ISP

(He’s watchin’ me)

He’s watchin’
I know he’s watchin’
He’s watchin’ me

He’s watchin’ me!

CG's Watching Me by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

Based on a True Story™, a parody of "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell (set to the Mysto & Pizzi cover), detailing @GenMarshall's uncanny ability to track me down whenever I say anything remotely implicating him. I'd planned to elaborate at least two other instances and chronicle my descent into paranoia, but I discovered the actual song didn't have that many verses. =P

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt June 2014.]

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  • Light Critique - Comments containing constructive suggestions about this work.
  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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