GazelleScout by @Eternity9

Old art from 2018 Okay here is the second Blu Scout this time as you can see is a Gazelle, this is mainly because that's how I imagine myself when running around in the game as a Scout a....Gazelle I know that sounds weird, but my tactics when playing Scout is to get to the cart/control point fast when time is short, jump around and try avoiding getting hit, I have at least on a few occasion saved the team with these tactics (Getting to the cart in the last 30 seconds and getting it over the point)

GazelleScout Notes - Nickname Buck or Bucky - Self proclaimed Master of the Double Jump - Likes to bait his enemies into Demo's sticky bomb traps or into ambushes he's set up with other teammates (Beware the ambush Pryo's =p ) - Likes to tag team with his comrades mostly Terry the other Blue Scout (Can be considered a bit of a kill thief at times) - Likes taunting and teasing his enemies - Hit and Run tactics are his thing - Is considered a bit of a coward

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