
Special Scenario TG: A Friend Like Me.

Somewhere in the Arabian Desert...

Thousands of years have passed since the Middle Ages. The world has changed in many ways, and for precious few great monuments and objects they are unaffected by time either warping their forms and shapes or slowly erodeing them into dust. Other relics are buried and forgotten as legends and myths.

One of these myths being the Cave of Wonders, a lost hoard of treasures beyond any man’s wildest dreams. Only accessible to those of an inner worth rivaling any treasure of the cave, or at least that is the Legend men told of the cave now.


‘Come on. Up here.’ Qadir spoke.

Gamal struggled to scale the rope up this mountain his colleages had lowered to help him climb. Mahir had assured Gamal that it was safe but he frankly didn’t feel that way with the winds and the mountain side occassionally loosing a few rocks suddenly as the three of them scaled it’s heights.

‘This would be the place roughly.’ Mahir spoke up. Mahir’s eyes were locked forward upon a partially decayed entrance partially obstructed by rubble. ‘The alleged site of the Cave of Wonders from the stories and fables.’

‘Allegedly’ Qadir retorted as he tried to help Gamal climb up. ‘You just didn’t want to get a crew to excavate every square inch of the desert in a quest for a fairytale.’

‘And I still might. And you’ll be in the frontlines with the other shovelers.’ Mahir retorted.

By this time Gamal had finally gotten to the mountain’s peak where they all stared into the alleged Cave of Wonder’s ruins.

‘I just want this to be as simple as our goal being this mountain...’ Gamal said.

‘And I still think that the Cave of Wonders was submerged underneath the sands as the legends said’ Qadir commented.

‘Well well...where did Mr. Didn’t want to go Digging up every square inch of the desert go?’ Mahir said. ‘Come on. The version I’m going with has the story go that it was upon a great mountain’s peak. we just need to get inside. Let’s go.’

The party of three were Gamal, Qadir, and Mahir. Mahir being the headstrong leader of the group interested in Archeology as the last vestige of adventuring that he was always fascinated by as a kid. Qadir was the brains to Mahir’s ambitions grounding them. Gamal though was a recent archeology student and very much the junior trying to finish up his studies with this trip alongside the two of them on a quest for the Cave of Wonders itself from the Legends.

‘Your sure no one’s come here?’ Qadir asked.

‘Can’t say. But nothing ventured nothing gained.’ Mahir replied.

The three men arrived at the blocked off entrance and Qadir and Mahir readied some flashlights and shined them down into the Darkness.

‘That’s far...a bit too much too. We’ll need the grappling hooks. Get em ready.’ Mahir ordered.

‘But...but I just climbed up here.’ Gamal said.

‘Yeah well you do that a lot climbing mountains up and down.’ Qadir remarked at Gamal.

Gamal simply sulked at Qadir’s words and joined the others in preparing the ropes that they would use to descend into the cave.

Fastening the ropes to a strong portable anchor and section of the ground the three men began their climb over the pillar blocking the entrance and began their descent into the Cave’s darkness.

Each of them descended in silence initially as the light at the top of the cave faded from view as they lowered themselves into the Cave’s depths.


‘How long have we been scaleing this down?’ Gamal asked.

‘I don’t know. Light stopped shining above us forever ago.’ Qadir replied

‘Look! There it is!’ Mahir suddenly chimed in after a few more moments of silence and descent into the Cave of Wonders.

The three of them saw at the very bottom of the Cave a glittering object and finally Ground! Glorious Solid flat ground after what seemed like hours descending the side of a wall with virtually no holes or outcropping to grab onto or climb.

‘Think we can take the fall from here?’ Mahir said.

‘And risk the ropes being too high to grab onto again? Never again Mahir.’ Qadir chided.

The feet of all of the explorers touched the ground with their ropes as well and it was Mahir that took it upon himself to rush to where he thought the glitter was.

‘Its here. It’s right here!’

Like a man posessed with greed he dusted the sand away to find what he was searching for.

‘Mahir Wait! Don’t get ahead of yourself!’ Qadir chided once more.

Gamal meanwhile was just taking in the sights of the ruined glory that was the Cave of Wonders. Hours ago he was sure that this place was just a Fairy tale location right alongside Avalon and Neverland and yet here he was.

‘This is it...’ Mahir said as he dusted off the golden object he had spotted earlier. With hands trembling with uncontainable excitement using both of his palms to lift it as if he was presenting a ceremonial sword Mahir held in his hands a golden lamp dusted with sand particles. Some of the said particles stuck inside the crevasses and lines adorning the golden lamp’s design.

‘This is it.’ Mahir repeated to himself fascinated with his attention fixed upon his find.

‘Mahir! You don’t know if there are still active traps in this cave no matter how ruined and dilapidated! Just rushing into everything is-‘

Qadir’s lecture was cut off as he too beheld the artifact spellbound just as Mahir was. Only three words escaped his lips as the denial and bewilderment passed as he refused to believe what he saw for a few seconds.

‘The Genie’s lamp.’ Qadir muttered in a barely audible whisper.

Still taking in the sights Gamal looked back at his companions now far away from his location and their distance from him snapped him out of his sightseeing at the Cave of Wonder’s interior’s size and scale.

‘Guys?’ Gamal said. Repeating his question and getting no answer Gamal started towards them inquireing ‘What’s going on?’

‘Come on Mahir!’ Qadir said as he grabbed the lamp as Mahir was still holding it. ‘Hey! Look at me!’

‘Gimme that back!’ Mahir tugged the lamp back as he scowled at Qadir! ‘Your getting your dirty hands from the climb up on it!’ he remarked as he began to attempt to rub the stains off.

‘Oh? I have dirty hands when we just got here?!? This from the guy who-‘

Qadir couldn’t finish his reprimand of his leader when all of a sudden a blast of pink and blue smoke erupted from the long spout and mouth of the golden lamp. Stray bright sparks of gold fluttering about from around the haze as it blasted Gamal head on!

Starting to cough Gamal covered his mouth using his hands as few more stray sparks seemed to concentrate around him. Madir and Qadir however were too stunned to speak as the strange smoke rose around them too. They both covered their mouths as the large cloud crept over them covering their mouths and bracing for the thing.

The strange blue-pink cloud didn’t smell particularly like anything however. It seemed like ‘heavier air’ and the sparks seemingly just appeared althroughout the cloud. Any sparkle that seemed to appear too close to their gear and clothing for the exploration didn’t catch fire so it wasn’t smoke that came from any kind of fire.

‘Hey wait...you dont think that....?’ Qadir started to theorize from the situation. However no genie or djinn ever came. The smoke never coalesced into a form. In fact it all seemed to dissipate with the sparkles it seemed to naturally create only continueing for a slight bit longer before disappearing altogether.

’...the legend might actually be real...’ Madir muttered to himself

Gamal in the meantime was wiping the smoke from his eyes and coughing as he was recovering from getting struck with the brunt of the gas.

“Hey! *cough* *cough* What was that for guys?!?”

Madir and Qadir however would look around confused thinking that there was someone else in the cavern with a voice that high. Initially the two of them couldn’t believe that a voice that high pitched could have come from Gamal.


With Gamal’s second comment though everyone noticed and there was no mistaking that the more feminine tones came from their friend’s mouth. A fact even he registered.

“Hey...what..what happened to my voice?” Gamal squaked out.

“Gamal...that’s not funny.” Qadir began to deny what he was seeing. “Knock that off!”

“I! I’m not! I can’t lower my voice!”


While Gamal and Qadir began to quarrel over Gamal’s odd new voice, Mahir was still in denial over there being no Genie to speak of within the lamp. Was that really it? Mahir shook the lamp in his hands and all he got were residual whiffs of the blue and pink smoke that emptied into his hands. They gave off the same sparkles as only tiny specks...but instead of being confined to only the small whiffs of smoke from the lamp they instead sparked and apeared for split seconds around Mahir’s hand he had shaken the smoke puff into.

“I’m serious! I cant stop doing this!” Gamal panicked

“Gamal! Get a grip!” Qadir practically had to shake Gamal to get him to calm down before taking a deep breath.

“That was probably the smoke that...that...huh?”

Now it was Qadir’s turn to be shocked at his own voice getting higher as he spoke.

“You see? Now do you believe me?” Gamal retorted

“Was that just Helium in there?” said Qadir.

Qadir would still deny Gamal’s claims about his new voice as Qadir kept trying to get his own voice to come back trying to lower his pitch and voice. Yet for all of his efforts it only sounded like a girl trying to pass off as a man.

While Gamal and Qadir discussed and worked themselves up over their vocal woes however Mahir would have his own shocking reaction to the smoke starting with his hand. After shaking out a few smoke puffs from the lamp and some additional cleaning of its surface only to get smaller expulsions of the same odd smoke that had signifigantly lessened output from the increasingly obvious ex-home of the genie.

As Mahir went to rub the Genie’s lamp once again he noticed the discoloration of his fingernails. But it was more than just a creeping orange color on the very hand he used to pour the lamp’s mysterious smoke into. Mahir’s whole hand itself looked smaller...as if it was shrinking. His fingernails even growing out longer in front of his eyes. And the same effect was happening to both of his hands when he looked at his hand holding the lamp.

Dropping the golden lamp onto the ground and staring in shock at his shrinking daintier hands he began to tremble in fear for the first time he could remember recently as he just froze up.

“Wha...What the hell?” Mahir would keep his same tone of voice but Qadir and Gamal would turn back towards Mahir after the lamp dropped to the cold rocky floor with a clang drawing their attention.

“M-Mahir?” Gamal uttered in his higher clearly feminine voice from the smoke

“Mahir?” Qadir said. “Mahir what’s wrong?”

Mahir didn’t even register the voices of his friends as his hands began to shrink. They looked like they lost two sizes as they became daintier as his wrists would begin to get slimmer in response. Mahir backed up in horror only to seemingly lose his balance and fall over onto the cave’s floor.

Trying to get up however was oddly harder. It was as if all of his strength had left him and all of the gear he was carrying seemed to double in size.

Clearly Gamal and Qadir felt it too.

“Mahir Whats?” Qadir strained over the slightly increasing heaviness of his backpack as Gamal shared his frustrations as he tried to get it off of his body.

They all felt like their bodies were shrinking as the temperature seemed to rise inside the cave as their skin all started to crawl with some odd new sensation

It was Mahir who would cave first to trying to remove his own pack slipping out of the heavy load he was carrying as he got his arms out from his backpack straps. His shoulders lowering unbeknowsnt to him as his chest started to burn.

A wave of heat would engulf his body as those mysterious sparks seemed to appear around him once more. Groan and grunts became lighter and softer as underneath his cargo pants and boots his very feet and legs shrank slightly and slimmed.

Qadir and Gamal only looked on as Mahir squirmed and appeared to lose some height on his form as Mahir would hug himself and feel that heat and odd spraks intensify all around him.

Then Mahir’s very clothers began to shift. It was as if new light shone on them as they slowly faded and warped like illusions as his rough pants gave way to a long transparent orange skirt on his now clearly thinner legs.

‘Oh my god...’ Qadir spoke now not as concerned with his feminine voice as his attention was drawn to his friends plight in disbelief at what he was seeing.

It was getting harder to recognize Mahir as a dude as he shifted. The same sparks in the air suddenly congregated around his shirt as it faded away as Mahir’s changed torso was exposed. It had clearly slimmed down as he lost not just fat but muscle as his sides shrank inward. Fat collected in his pectorals bloating them...no they were...breasts! A whole cleavage in a Red bra with a circle pattern!

Both Qadir and Gamal were stunned as they both backed away slowly from Mahir’s shifting body only for the both of them to feel an odd sensation in their hips. Both of course looked at each other and then down at their expanding hips and thighs they could both feel straining against their rougher exploration gear.

“He...he looks like a Dancing Girl!” Gamal pieced together from Mahir’s plight

Dreading that conclusion Qadir confirmed Gamal’s fears “And I think we’re next.”

The skin on both of them crawled and burning with a light heat as their thighs expanded and the cold sand seemed to touch their feet somehow even through their boots...But a quick glance down at Gamal’s feet that he took confirmed that their boots had somehow been taken away. The sparks that had reapeared being the culprits.

Qadir and Gamal both braced themselves for the changes crawling up their bodies as their hiking gear’s fabrics gave way to becoming the same orange and red soft silks that now rested upon Mahir in his more girly state.

Hot red bottoms appeared on the two covered only by a see through short orange skirt. Qadir having the only difference between him and Gamal with his red panties bejeweled with purple gemstones.

Groaning and practically feeling their skin crawl their stomachs receded. Their waists shrunk as their hips widened. Their new wider forms supporting growing glutes all as their legs slimmed down just like Mahir’s had.

Qadir and Gamal both broke down and started to moan as their pecs ached and began to fatten up as they swelled out from their chests. To Gamal it almost seemed like their voices somehow got even higher while they shifted into these...girls.

Both of their arms slimmed as their faces seemed to slightly shrink and shift into the visages that Mahir now had upon him.

As the magic seemed to stop all three of the explorers suddenly resembled mere orange and red clad dancing girls as they gawked in shock at their new predicament.

“No...no this isn’t happening....” Gamal began to panic and stutter out of himself.

“What kind of curse is this?” Qadir stammered out in shock.

“The djinn...he was real...” Mahir noted in awe.

“What do you mean real?!?” Qadir blurted out in anger at Mahir upon hearing his tone of fascination unfazed by their bodies sudden changes

“If this happened to us the Genie is Clearly in that lamp!” Mahir retorted

“If he was he’s supposed to come out to grant wishes! This is some! Some Kind of Curse that’s put on us here!” Qadir countered

A trademark argument began between Mahir and Qadir about their ‘belief in the mystical and mythology’ but the subject now would be ‘how much of it is real’ as opposed to the earlier doubt about the Cave of Wonders and other Legends existences.

While that verbal debate raged on Gamal’s mind produced new fears and horrors within it at a hundred thoughts a second! Terrfied at being stuck down here as girls trapped forever in this cave!

With all of those thoughts within his mind he dove for the lamp and started rubbing it again in a mad panic practically hysterical and yelling to get out!

“I want to Get Out!!! You Have to get us out! Get me and my Friends out of here! Please!!”

“Gamal?! Gamal! Gamal! Stop it! The Genie isn’t there its!”

Qadir could not finish his caution before the lamp rumbled again and shot out yet More pink and dark blue fog entirely around them as the lamp rumbled once again and each of the explorers turned dressed harem girls were suddenly engulfed by the sparkling smoke and all of a sudden nearly brought to coughing all found the sandy floor they all stood on suddenly gone in an instant all of them falling briefly until just as quickly all of them landed on something much softer! The whole fall felt like as if it was as if you fell off of a high rung on a ladder onto a mattress. Just long enough to recognize your fall and just brief enough to be stopped without harm.

Each of the girls thankfully landed in quite the large bed as their bodies all hit the matress easily and softly as it cushioned their brief fall.

Disoriented and only comprehending that they all came from a very intact ceiling somehow into a perfectly adorned palace bedroom the three girls all took time to collect themselves before Mahir would break the silence.

“The djinn....is real.”

“What was that? Why are we here?” Qadir wondered as she wound up lifting herself up with a push up on the bed with her arm. Stopping briefly to assess her softer skin and form taking stock of her new orange clothing adorning her and her figure in disbelief.

“Uhhh....Guys?” Gamal said. As he gazed out at the window.

Defying all logic the three went from the deepest cave in a mountain to one of the palace bedrooms overlooking the town they came from when they started their journey and a simple look out onto the nearby balcony from a window showed the Arabian Day shining upon the city defying all sense of reason as to how they became elevated higher when they clearly descended into the earth!

“If...If magic is real....How do we reverse this?”

Teen (LS)
Finished Work
104d22h ago
Other Work By @Jarbalus520

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