El Thorvaldo Moderator

Tour Magne
Tour Magne by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

The Tour Magne dates to the Third Century BC; originally 18 metres tall, it was likely a focal fortification of the Arecomici settlement on Mont Cavalier. During the reign of Augustus it was expanded to 36m and incorporated into the city walls as their tallest turret; today it stands at approximately 32m, with an interior spiral staircase totalling 145 steps.

The tower is a popular tourist destination, providing a panoramic lookout across the city. It stands at the apex of Mont Cavalier at the north end of the Jardins de la Fontaine, a public park also dating to the Gallo-Roman era.

Original photo taken March 2007. Submitted to Buzzly.art November 2021; reuploaded to DeviantArt February 2022.

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