Latimas AU: Games
Latimas AU: Games by @Eternity9

Lati-Emmet: What do you mean that’s not how you play the game?

Novembmas Day 8 - Games

Me and my twin didn’t know we were playing Monopoly wrong for the majority of our lives and could never understand why/how family arguments and stuff would happen when playing this game, because we were playing it ‘wrong’ XD

We didn’t see anything wrong trading the Real Estate Property cards with each other so that we could 'Complete Set’s’ and I didn’t see anything wrong landing on property they 'owned’ and giving them money, that was the point of the game right? their was a point when me and my twin just ended up giving back and forth the same amount to each other because we own most of the board at that point.

Also all the Monopoly games I have ever played ended, because people got bored and left XD

Honestly theirs’s an unspoken agreement/alliance me and my twin have with each other when it comes to games, if one of us win then we 'both’ win, so we are happy help the other twin win even if that means turning on the other players in the game.

Like I remember so clearly when playing RISK, the moment when my family realizes to their horror I was not on their side, when they had made a united front against her as she had the biggest army at the time, and had been beating down her army and when it came my turn they expected me to do the same, not realizing I had not been building my army up to fight my twin, but to fight back against them, and that had been the turning point in which me and my twin ended up conquering the world together XD

And that is why we no longer play RISK in this house hold, me and my twin would always team up at some point and take over the world together.


Originally I was just going to draw Lati-Ingo and Lati-Emmet playing on Nintendo Switches as that something me and my Twin, now do daily is Play Pokemon Unite, but as I had seen someone already draw a similar idea for Novembmas I decided to go with this instead, also gave me an excuses to draw Draydigon.

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