Lukas Lightneer
Lukas Lightneer by @Eternity9

Old art from 2021

When it comes to the Spyro TLOS I see a lot of character's that have been corrupted by darkness and that made me think, what about a character corrupted to the light element? if there is shadow there has to be light right? I know there are probably characters out there that have that trait, but I wanted to give it a try. So here is my purple dragon character Lukas the cliché opposite of Cynder corrupted by light element at a young age so that he would be 'Compelled'(Brainwashed) to do the 'right thing'(What the elders command) in fear that he would become like his father, The Sorcerer!

Yeah this guy just screams Gary Stu, but I think I'm aloud to have at least one around in my gallery, while brainwashed he does not emote, has a very soft spoken voice, and doesn't question orders, when free from the brainwashing he is really curious, naïve and oblivious.

Elements he has control over is, Water, Light, Life(Plant) and Air, currently resides in secret, under the watchful eyes of the Elder Dragons.

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