Surge Ref by @Eternity9
Surge ref 01 2024
Name: Surge
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Species: Cyborg Canine
Personality: Stoic, stand off-ish, lawful, tends to take things literally
Strengths: Enhanced hearing, sight, strength, speed
Weakness: Electricity, magnets
Power: Hydro-Telekinesis
Born in a costal region of Hydesis, a place were canine like creatures with tail's that are more 'aquatic' along with some other aquatic abilities/features reside, but some can be born with the rare ability of Hydro-Telekinesis, Surge being one of these individuals.
Surge was born into a military family, known for these abilities and thus he followed in his forefathers foot steps until he was betrayed by a former comrade and handed over to a group who turned him into living weapon. This evil organization plans were to capture and argument those born with powers into soldiers that were basically meat-puppets with no will/thoughts of their own, only taking commands with the plan that they would use these soldier to help overthrow the government and take over the country.
Sadly for a time Surge was under their control, but thanks to a special group of individuals he was able to have his free will returned, but the scars of his betray still run deep, while he is eternally great-full for being freed and is willing to help fight against the evil organization that did this to him...he's not comfortable about making 'friends' or being close to anyone ever again.
Art by me
Adopted from Kurami_The_Queen
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