El Thorvaldo Moderator

Flag of Plato
Flag of Plato by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

SVG remake of a scheme by Ailedhoo. Inspired by/parodying Kallipolis, the flag represents the caste system described in The Republic, with blue representing the Philosophers, green the Guardians, and red the Artisans, encompassed by the omnipresent principle of justice.

The "Platonic Republic" originally débuted in Enlightenment 2, where Ailed was largely left to his own devices and the country actually became a major power by default. Its most infamous incarnation was in IOT XIV, where in complete contravention of its supposed Rationality, it proved a totalitarian hellhole prone to knee-jerk reactionism, diplomatic intransigence, and suicidal brinkmanship that resulted in the country collapsing into civil war and its invasion by Russia after Ailed attempted to soft-reboot as a fringe insurgency that, unluckily for his plans, I had already determined the United Arab Republic would write off.

Download submitted to DeviantArt September 2022; alternative download available via Patreon.

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