AE-23 Animation Test 1 by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)
This is actually a test of a few different things. First, to see how well these animations come out as a .gif (thanks again, @Thorvald). Second, this is actually an older test I did a few days ago to get a better idea of how the forward gear moves so that I could model around it. Third, well... it's been a long time since I animated anything, so I wanted to ensure that I could do it right.
As far as the test in concerned, it came out decent. Mind you, this was an older model for the gear, so there's two models (one of the gear extended and one of the gear retracted; there was an issue with the object names, so Bryce saw both sets as the same object and would not let me delete them). I only had one door because I made this while I was modeling the doors, so there is only one which was going to the mirrored once I worked everything out. The door's hydraulics were not made yet, and the gear itself is not mounted to the rest of the model. That said, once I had this worked out, I was able to finish the model for the gear and the bay interior. Once I put together the hydraulics, I will render another test. One at a more realistic speed, too, because fifteen seconds is not an efficient time to deploy landing gear (my dad busted me on that one...). Before you ask, yes, the plane is upside-down. I did that so the gear was easier to see.
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