WHY?! by @Lucky_Ladybug66 (Daisy Hunt)
This is from a rejected scene that would have gone into my story A Simple Mission in Triplicate. The original outline called for Sephiroth and Zack to become stranded on a rock in the middle of a river of lava. (And yes, Return of the King was an inspiration.)
Zack is with Sephiroth in his modified Safer form (which now has been modified again to include this black kilt-like thing. Though it's longer than kilts should be, isn't it?). Zack is screaming "WHY?!" to the heavens, asking many questions in one. Why is Seph dead, why do his friends always have to suffer....
There is no real reason why Zack is wearing blue instead of lavender. Just a change of clothes.
Sephiroth's mouth is not visible because it would not come out right.
I think my favorite thing here is the black wing. And I remembered Ladyamberjo's tip about fingers only able to be straight voluntarily. Since Seph is half-dead and has no control over his fingers, they're curled a bit.
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