The Wizard Of Zaar

Ships by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

Various ships belonging to various species.

The largest at the top of the page is the same class of ship as the tadpole.

A Seshla (Arrow) class frigate is a formidable, light warship.

In battles, invasions or hostile environments, they typically operate in fleets of three; however closer to the Aundi homeworld of Yun or when performing more subtle missions they will travel solo. Though in larger, premeditated battles; Seshla frigates will often squad into a trio as an escort for the larger Osika (Fortress) class carrier ships. More typically when multiple Osika class ships are deployed for a mission, each Osika will have a trio of Seshla class frigates dedicated to them. This will result in Seshla class ships being the staple of in-space engagement within a larger scale battle or invasion, allowing for the much larger and more aptly equipped and crewed Osika carriers to land troops upon a world.

More typically Seshla class frigates are used for border defence and small scale slave raids. Though they are out on the frontier more frequently than their larger Osika counterparts and in thr perspective of most other alien races whom encounter the Aundi; the Seshla is the quintessential Aundi space vessel.

They have potent offensive capabilities and sport twelve laser cannons, they are additionally equipped with a powerful tractor field emitter that can slow and even halt smaller ships and reel them towards the Seshla frigate, so that the captured ship may be boarded or even hauled along over a limited distance. They also house a pair of Magla (Harpoon) class fighters, themselves considerably powerful, maneuverable and fast as far as fighter craft go. When piloted by trained Aundi pilots, they are fearsome and deadly effective in their offensive capabilities, bolstering the combat effectiveness of the Seshla frigate they are launched from.

In addition a Seshla class frigate also holds a pair of Umak (Raft) class shuttles; these fast shuttles are uncharacteristically rugged for Aundi craft, used for the deploying/landing of Aundi troopers and the transportation of cargo and prisoners/slaves. Because of the frequency that Umak class shuttles, and any other type of Aundi shuttle craft are used for the purpose of transporting prisoners and slaves, Aundi naval policies dictate that shuttle craft are not fitted with weaponry- As if the shuttle is somehow commandeered by rebelling slaves- The shuttle cannot be used as an attack craft against other Aundi vessels.

A Seshla class warship is manned by a standard number of twenty three dedicated crewmembers, Aundi naval personnel specialised and trained in the ships operations, piloting and space combat. It is from this crew that the shuttles and fighters are piloted, however they also make up the crews navigation, security and engineering staff.

However a Seshla class warship can and often holds additional non standard personnel; able to house up to fifty in addition to the standard twenty three crew. This usually consists in a full platoon of Aundi troopers, or a squadron of fifteen troopers and the other 35 made up in slaves from other species that are put to work doing dangerous, unpleasant tasks that the Aundi themselves are above doing... And as food for the vampiric Aundi.

However when on missions where the ship hunts for slaves; newly caught slaves are crammed into the cargo bays and shackled to stocks within.

However for the Aundi crew; the ships amenities are practical, but comfortable by their standards. Their non sentient meals are had in the mess hall, where slaves work the kitchens. 

Though the Aundi have shower facilities usually used for cleaning contaminants from themselves, day to day Aundi bathing are done in baths/pools. 

Aside from higher ranked officers, specifically the Captain, Commander and "Junior Commander", whom each live in one of the three single person quarters on the ship; the other Aundi personnel are housed in barracks filled with a few large, round beds.

As in Aundi culture; it is normal for even among strangers or acquaintances to sleep three or four to a single bed, as the Aundi are a very communal people and find isolation to be uncomfortable and unsettling. 

Seshla class vessels also have a small gym and Ganassa court for exercise and recreation. Ganassa is an intense and brutal Aundi ball sport that harkens to their brutish, barbaric nature as a race of hunters and warriors. Ganassa involves a great deal of tackling, bumping, slapping and trampling in order to gain control of the ball.

The Tadpole is identical to any other Seshla class frigate, with the exception that it only retains a single shuttle and a single fighter, and that the entirety of it's original Aundi crew are all dead.


Rough / Concept
132d19h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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