
drawing of Alaric
drawing of Alaric by @Operator_Max1993

here it is, i've finally finished it, a few touchups but that's it, here who is Alaric ?

Alaric is a half German half Russian (with some Italian, Mongol and Greek descent) and once used to be a Imperial Russian general, until certain events have made him into a machine bitter by his loss and wanting revenge, he is part of my "Wolfenstein but if the communists have taken over instead of the fascists"

1892 - he was tasked to defend the last and final remnants of the Russian Empire in a Soviet invasion of Alaska along with assistance from German, Mongolian, Japanese, American and British troopers, however the almost never ending onslaughts of Communist Russians, Chinese, "reeducated" Siberians and Koreans, little by little the holdout fell, only he was left but when the Soviets found him, he was mysteriously frozen with a horrified look on his face, as they decided to take him and study what happened

1955 - years pass on later where he finally unfroze in a East German testing facility in Saxony, he begins asking the KGB questions upon questions about his unit, the holdout in Alaska and anything he remembers, but he then was answered, saying that the Soviet Union has successfully conquered America and the moon by 1948, he is then silenced, turned into a sleeper agent and experimented on, using him as a puppet to gun down dissidents or infiltrate secret meetings

1984 - decades pass before he was in a cruiser ship for a visit to one of the Soviet space colonies, but that was stopped quick by Arab revolts, a hail of stolen RPG-7 Warheads destroyed the ship ending in a blaze of glory, before the fighters search for Alaric and take him outside bringing him to a village elder, successfully getting him to snap out of the brainwashing, being said that the elder was told in his dreams that a warrior would assist him against the oppressors, Alaric agrees to assist him but mostly because of his bloodthirsty hatred for communists, he successfully helps the Arab fighters free the entirety of the middle free from atheist oppression, before being faced with a counter attack that had him apprehended

2005 - more years pass on by as the turn of the New Millennium has ended the 1900s, the Soviet Union has slowly began to enter a Age Of Decadence since 1996, the newer generations are causing a divide between those who try to preserve the old ways and values, Alaric finds this a perfect opportunity to break away from his cryogenic cell, manipulating a young and timid guard named Jake, being looked down upon by the other Russian units, while torn apart and disillusioned by what is happening, successfully evading the guards and manipulating Jake more to help him, taking pity, he decides to keep him, as they both got out, asking where are they, saying that they're in the Californian Soviet Socialist Republic, seeing and realizing Los Angeles has been turned into a urban wasteland (i wanted to make it look close to Kowloon Walled City)

so tell me what you think!

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