I'm here to deliver the mail at extreme speeds!
I'm here to deliver the mail at extreme speeds! by @Eternity9

Created a anthor-taur Pokemon for Artfight to have some variety among my characters.

Name: Sandy 
Gender: Female
Species: Shiny Anthro Hisuian Arcanine
Sandy works as a mail courier in a little seaside town.  
Sandy doesn't know who her family is as she was found abandoned at the doorstep of the orphanage, though she didn't realize that she was a Hisuian Arcanine until in her young adult years as most people in her town just thought she was just a odd looking Arcanine. 
Sandy has never let her sad beginning determine her future, and moves through life with positivity, caring, kindness and enthusiasm. 
Also trying to get packages delivered on time with minimal damage   


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