Scooby Doom: Crystal and Amber
Scooby Doom: Crystal and Amber by @Eternity9

Scooby Doom: Crystal and Amber

You can thank my good friend @SeriesArtiststarter for asking about Crystal and Amber in the Scooby Doom AU (If you don't know who they are, they are from the Movie Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders) which has resulted in me drawing these guys a lot earlier than expected.

So Crystal would be a Recon Squad Member and Amber would be alternate universe Cyclizar

Made Amber disguise an Arcanine with slightly floppy ear's and has her golden retriever colouring, which thankfully doesn't look too far off from a normal Arcanine or make her too bright like a shiny. As I didn't want her to standout too much, but I still wanted the Floppy ears as I felt she didn't look right without them.

Now I can't help, but imagine Shaggy saying "Oh you wouldn't know my girlfriend she goes to another dimension"

(I just realized she reminds me a little of Perrin and her Growlithe from the Violet/Scarlet DLC )

I again don't know what I would do with the Movie story, but I guess it would involve Ultra Beast instead.


If you've noticed I've been a lot slower with my output of my art recently that isn't from July 2024 artfight or something I drew months-years ago it's because I've been dealing with issues with my allergies.

Imagine this, you stand by an open door to outside world and you slowly start coughing, you get a sudden painful spasm in your side, like someone just stabbed you, you leave your room and head into the lounge/kitchen area of your house to get a drink and your eyes start to slowly sting because a window or sliding door is open to allow the air in, imagine having to limit your ability to leave the house to once a week at best because every time you leave the house means you will loose a working day for yourself because your body reaction to prolong exposure to the bad air is feeling hazy, extremely tired and unwell which results in taking a 2 hour nap, and even then not feeling great afterwards, this is my current reality.

I am mildly allergic (Asthmatically) to outside molds and wood smoke also effects me badly, sadly living in Tropical Queensland (Not my choice) I am getting constantly exposed to the stuff I'm allergic too.

Before I moved house in 2022, I had managed to make my previous home a safe work space for myself that lessoned my exposure to my allergies, which allowed me to function and be able to draw a lot, but since moving to the new house I sadly haven't been able to make that safe space, so I get sick a lot now, which slows down my ability to draw, (Their is also other things that have made things harder but I won't get into that) but I'm sorry that I'm taking longer to get things done. I'm currently on stuff to help with my allergies (I already was) but now I'm on more because I have glue ear and my sinuses are super blocked up right now, so may just been a lot slower than before for a while, maybe for a very long while, as theirs no way out for me in this bad situation I've been forced into, I can only hope that I can save up enough money for one day be able to move where it doesn't hurt to breath the air.

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