
As many can tell by the fact I am a relationship anarchist (the ideation/ideology by which the of relationships are up to its participants), I have a very rapid habit of asking questions. In the spirit of that, be them colossal or micronations, here are a list of thirty-six questions I always ask about rising nations, which as a micronationalist figurehead once were asked to me. Admittedly I have been surprised by some notable examples of every answer of all of these. You can ask me about all of that in the comments, I am determined to answer, to the joy of the myriads of unsung nations.

  1. Is the nation recognized by other nations, or is it not

  2. Can it thrive on its own or not

  3. Does the nation produce its own electricity or not

  4. Does the nation have its own communication services or not

  5. Does the nation produce its own food or not

  6. Does the nation have its own currency/economy or not or a market of any kind

  7. Does the nation have anything unique about it or not

  8. Is the nation literate or not

  9. Does the nation have its own culture that doesn’t come from anywhere else or not

  10. Is the nation known for any artistic or literary works or not

  11. Does the nation have a long history or not

  12. Does the nation have written laws, an oral law, or a law which is supposed to be one but is de facto the other

  13. Is the nation a unitary state, decentralized, federated, or confederated

  14. Is the nation land-unlocked or does it exist within the borders of another

  15. Does the nation exist on ground-level, below ground-level, below sea level, stories elevated, or in space

  16. Does the nation exist as an area of land, or is it mobile

  17. Does the nation have a military or not, or a capacity to wage war

  18. Does the nation exist on property stolen from an indigenous or previous peoples or not

  19. Is the nation’s leadership based on a fair process or is it based on a broken or deceptive basis

  20. Does the nation have a clean human rights record or not

  21. Does the country have a flag or not

  22. Does the country have a national anthem or not

  23. Is the nation isolationist or not

  24. Does the nation have its own exports or imports or not

  25. Does the nation have its own embassies or not

  26. Does the nation have its own citizenship/documentation system

  27. How large is the population of the nation? Above a dozen thousand people? A thousand or so? Less than a thousand? Less than a hundred?

  28. Does the nation have a capital, or does it have cities

  29. How big is the nation, is it large or small

  30. Are there elements of law enforcement, and to what extent, and how so, and does it have prisons and executions or what

  31. Is the nation tangible, virtual, or tulpa-esque

  32. Are there ever times when the nation is completely empty/vacant

  33. Does the micronation have infrastructure such as roads and pathways, vehicles and whatnot

  34. Does the nation have any vegetation and/or wildlife

  35. Is the nation safe to live in, and is there a medical system in the country

  36. Does it treat other nations like it how it seeks to be treated like those nations

There is no shame in having any combination of answers, even if anyone were to impose more, such as how it turned out for they who popularized the relationship anarchy smorgasbord. Taiwan may step up even though it’s unrecognized, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta may step up even though it doesn’t manifest itself as an area of land, Lesotho may step up even though it’s completely confined in South Africa, Switzerland may step up even though it has no military, one may know the drill. All are equal in the eyes of the righteous.

Nation Anarchy Smorgasbord by @chaseawaythedark

Out of respect for Side 7, this is the closest I'm going to get to politik.

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