Matthew Alchtiwi

I'm Mainly going to use the Hello Mario Engine for Game Maker Studio 1.4 to make my game, but here are some other engines I'm going to take from.
I'm Mainly going to use the Hello Mario Engine for Game Maker Studio 1.4 to make my game, but here are some other engines I'm going to take from. by @Videogamejunkie443 (Matthew Alchtiwi)

Dking Engine Ver. 2 for Game Maker 7 – It has some good stuff, like the Shark Chomp from Yoshi’s Island.


Hello Engine 6 Fan-Made for Game Maker 8/8.1 – Has Wart, some Super Mario Land 2 bosses, and more enemies from Super Mario Bros. 2 USA/Doki Doki Panic.


Mario Worlds Delta for Game Maker Studio 1.4 – I’ll use this engine to add SMW enemies and correct ones that behave inaccurately.

Gatete Mario Engine 9 for Game Maker (Formerly known as Game Maker Studio 2) – This one has enemies from modern Mario games as well as classic, such as the Ant Trooper and Stingby, but what I really want from this engine is its powerups. Holy Toledo, this engine’s powerup game is strong.


Modern Sonic Engine for Game Maker 8.0/8.1– I’ll port Modern Sonic from this engine to the Hello Engine.


Sonic GMate Engine+ for Game Maker 8.0/8.1 - I’ll port Classic Sonic from this engine to the Hello Engine


Super Mega Engine for Game Maker Studio 1.4 - I’ll use the physics from this engine as a base for every other Mega Character (And Beck.)

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